Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sorak i-Metro - a reminder

Dear all,

Don't forget that Harian Metro will be holding a Sorak i-Metro cheerleading competition next weekend in Seberang Prai, Penang.

Info and other dates/venues are as below. Events have been sanctioned by CHARM so all teams have the green light to compete in this event.

Age requirement: Must be aged 19 and below
Rules: CHARM School rules
Format: Freestyle Full Routine

Dates: March 13 & 14
Venue: Safira Sports Planet, Seberang Jaya, Penang

Dates: April 10 & 11
Venue: Arena Sports Centre, Kuantan, Pahang

Dates: May 8 & 9
Venue: Prima Sports Centre, Johor Baru, Johor

Prizes will be given out for 1st (RM1,500), 2nd (RM1,000), 3rd (RM500), Best Cheer, and Best Showmanship.

Teams interested in competing can contact Harian Metro at or call them at 03-20569767 after 3pm.

Rule enquiries can be directed to CHARM at

Monday, March 1, 2010

CHARM technical staff meeting

Dear all,

There will be a meeting for all CHARM judges, certified coaching staff, linesmen, scorekeepers and competition spotters this Sunday, March 7, at BB Gym at 3pm.

Attendance is compulsory. We need to settle staff roster for the many upcoming competitions and clinics.

Other members interested in volunteering their services for the abovementioned positions at such events are encouraged to attend.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Beverley Hon
CHARM President