Friday, July 24, 2009

SOX All Stars March & Cheer

Celcom is holding a cheer dance competition, based on CHARM's Cheer Dance rules. The event is sanctioned by CHARM and will be judged by certified judges from CHARM.

Date: August 15, 2009
Time: 9am to 5pm
Venue: Cheras Badminton Stadium, KL

Competition specific rules
1. This competition is open to S.O.X. members only. (If you're not members, you'll need to sign up.)

2. All teams must submit entry forms before the closing date (August 5, 2009) as stated in the entry forms. Submissions
received after the closing date will not be accepted.

3. Only the first 20 teams who submit their forms before the closing date will be eligible to compete.

4. Only a maximum of 3 teams from each school will be allowed.

5. Open to all-female teams or all-male teams in order to compete. No co-ed teams are allowed.

6. Team size is a minimum of 10 members to a maximum of 15 members.

7. Time for each routine is 2.5 minutes (30 seconds cheer portion in the beginning of routine, 2 minutes music routine).

8. All teams must be in full and proper uniform or costume during competition.

9. Scores are made up of 70% professional jury scores and 30% SMS votes.

10. Each team’s routine must include the following elements:
- One (1) style of dance (Jazz, Hip Hop, etc.)
- One (1) cheer dance
- One (1) creative S.O.X. cheer (compulsory)
- One (1) sideline chant
- Two (2) jumps in succession

* A 10-point penalty will be imposed if the team fails to perform any of the compulsory exercises.

12. Tumbling and jumps are allowed and will be scored accordingly. No marks will be given for stunts.

13. Teams may end their entire routine in a stunt but will only receive marks as part of the Overall

1st - RM5,000
2nd - RM3,000
3rd - RM2,000
Crowd Favourite - RM1,000
Best Costume - RM100 voucher per cheerleader

Technical questions can be directed to CHARM at

For registration and event-related questions, please call 03-7805 4598 or 0193620588 or e-mail

To download the registration forms, log on to

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